British Politics, Boris and Brexit Blunders – an American tells it as it is

Dr Roger Gewolb, expert financier and consumer champion, provides the American insight into what is really happening in British politics
As Britain enters its latest general election cycle, the second of its kind in the last two and half years, British politics is quite possibly at its most vicious and poisonous ever. After over three years of acrimonious fighting between political factions over Brexit, the population have been left in a quintessentially British mood of incredulous confusion.
Having shared his time between the UK and the US, Chicago-born Dr Roger Gewolb has immersed himself in British society, founding the sub-prime car finance market in the 1990s, and more recently, leading the Campaign for Fair Finance and founding the UK's leading fair loan price comparison site,
Having interviewed leading political figures from Britain, including former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, along with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, Dr Gewolb is impassioned to inform the citizens of his native United States of the political mess that is taking place in the UK, and the devastating effect this has been having on the personal finances for millions of Britons.
Dr Roger Gewolb has provided a brief overview on the shocking impact that British politics has had on personal finances in the UK, but would be delighted to digress further into the subject matter.
British politics and Americans
"The will of our people, the vote of our democracy, was made clear three years ago, albeit by a thin majority. Since then, our predominantly 'Remainer' politicians have to varying degrees not carried this requirement of the people forward effectively. The government had struck a new deal to appease previous “rebels” last month. However, when the British people needed them most, politicians in Westminster failed to reach across the aisle and do what’s best for the national interest.
Now an election has been called, but this will take a further six weeks of political inaction, and this is before Britain may or may not have a new government. If there is a change in government, we are back to square one. We haven't seen the slightest mention of anything that will happen after the election and if a new political party takes over the reigns of the Brexit negotiations. People have criticised Boris Johnson for being more trouble than strategy, but what is the strategy of this incredibly diverse group of people, filled with personal agendas and self-interest, and how and if ever when will they agree on one? And, how will that be any different than the insipid agenda that Theresa May tried to put forward three times?
In amongst all of this, we have conducted research at that has unveiled that throughout the three years since the EU referendum in 2016, 10.5 million Brits are in their worst financial state ever. For context, this 20% of the British population. Could you possibly imagine the uproar in America if there was total inaction over 20% of Americans being in their worst financial state ever? This is ultimately what is happening in the UK. This continued political limbo has done nothing but accelerate poverty rates rising in the UK. It's an absolute scandal and more people need to be shining a light on the situation."
You can read the original article here: